Human Rights Youth Advocacy

Projects and Fundraising
Since its creation, HRYA has been committed to having meaningful impact both locally and internationally. We continually have various projects being created and continued within our organization, with the purpose of providing our communities with the resources they need. In order to fund these projects, we host engaging fundraising events led by our amazing volunteer base.
Through a school-wide fundraiser, HRYA was able to collect health products to donate personal hygiene and care items to the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Sarasota and Manatee Counties and Sarasota's Safe Children Coalition.
Through donors and volunteer fundraising, HRYA was able to support over 680 girls with 1380 packages of menstrual products.
Collaborating with a Chinese LGBTQ+ group, HRYA hosted a virtual/in-person movie night where attendees watched an LGBTQIA+ movie and discussed its underlying themes.
HRYA volunteers receive training with Landes Emergency Training Services on First Aid, AED usage, and how to perform CPR. Then, they gave public presentations on important First Aid topics to libraries across the county.
With generous donations from the Boys and Girls Club of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties, HRYA was able to work with with local organizations to donate these resources to people in need.
HRYA collaborated with the Poet Society in hosting a musical chairs cake walk fundraiser, where the winner of each round receives a cake or pastry.
Through a volunteer-hosted fundraiser at a local high school, HRYA was able to raise funds to purchase science equipment for Bulungula College.
With generous donations from the Boys and Girls Club of Sarasota and DeSoto Counties, HRYA was able to work with with local organizations to donate these resources to people in need.
HRYA volunteers receive training with Landes Emergency Training Services on First Aid, AED usage, and how to perform CPR. Then, they gave public presentations on important First Aid topics to libraries across the county.
HRYA connected with younger students at the club fair, gathering interest from youth on new donation and fundraising projects HRYA is initiating, as well as how to get involved.
HRYA fundraised and donated lab equipment and other science classroom supplies, purchased from Rutland Industries, to the Bulungula College of South Africa.
HRYA pitched its mission and strategy as part of the Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneurship Competition. Out of over 9,800 participating students, HRYA's team was able to earn a spot in the top 100 pitches
At our local school, HRYA was able to advertise to hundreds of middle and high school students during the annual club fair, bringing new talented members and educating more on HRYA's mission.
At our local school, HRYA was able to advertise to hundreds of middle and high school students during the annual club fair, bringing new talented members and educating more on HRYA's mission.
HRYA wins first place at the Boys and Girls Club annual Perlman Price Young Entrepreneurs competition after completing the entrepreneurs training program offered by the Boys and Girls Club. HRYA wins $3000 in funding, and receives business professional mentors. HRYA looks forward to future nonprofit growth using this funding and support from the Boys and Girls Clubs